Youth Centre of Dravinja Valley (MCDD)



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Mladinski center Dravinjske doline
Žička cesta 4a, SI-3210 Slovenske Konjice
Phone386 (0) 3 759 1320

The Youth Centre of Dravinja Valley (MCDD) started operating as an internal organisational unit of the Dravinjska dolina Student Club in 1999. It was officially established in 2003 as a non-profit youth organisation, in 2014 it was changed to a social enterprise, active in the field of youth and culture covering the region of Slovenske Konjice, Zreče, Vitanje and Oplotnica. Its cultural programme includes concerts, theatre plays, exhibitions and music workshops and also provides premises for the operation of numerous youth associations, music groups, choirs and other organisations in the Municipality of Slovenske Konjice.

The vision of the organisation is to activate young people by promoting active citizenship and raise cultural competencies and social responsibility, promote youth mobility and non-formal education as well as awareness-raising and addiction prevention.

Main activities

The main activities of MCDD are divided amongst four different programmes: a youth centre, the cultural event centre Patriot, an intergenerational centre and the social incubator Kreaktor.

Youth centre

The main activities of the youth centre focus on youth mobility projects by engaging in international and intercultural exchange, local and international volunteering work promotion and activation, providing support to other organisations, non-formal education modules development and preparation of sport and cultural events. The MCDD is part of the Erasmus+ programme.

Cultural event centre Patriot

The cultural event centre Patriot's main activities are the promotion of young unknown bands, the organisation of concerts, performances, reading clubs, workshops and exhibitions, and also the running of a small bar.

Intergenerational centre

The intergenerational centre carries out intergenerational activities, workshops and lectures in close cooperation with the retiree association of Slovenske Konjice.

Social incubator Kreaktor

Kreaktor promotes social entrepreneurship, co-working and offers assistance in career development and employment.

See also

External links

Mladinski center Dravinjske doline +
46.335 +
Mladinski center Dravinjske doline +
15.422 +
SI-3210 Slovenske Konjice +
Žička cesta 4a +
The Youth Centre of Dravinja Valley (MCDD) started operating as an internal organisational unit of the Dravinjska dolina Student Club in 1999. +
The Youth Centre of Dravinja Valley (MCDD) started operating as an internal organisational unit of the Dravinjska dolina Student Club in 1999. +
+386 / 3 759 1320 +
Slovenske Konjice +
SI-3210 +
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